newtechnologicalproductive way of livestock
LAKTO Dairy Technologies have entered into sector fast with its expert staff, exclusive service quality and with the professional solutions for dairy farming.
LAKTO Dairy Technologies is the most developed milking system that can cover all the requirements of the latest researches’ results for animal and udder health with farmer expectations as the result of 4 years and continuing intensive R&D studies. Its patented technology bears significant advantages.

Especially the most important elements of the milking system, LAKTO-PULS Pulsators and LAKTO-AK clusters are the best combination for udder health with pending patents, those covering the ISO 5707 standarts with latest technology application.
LAKTO Milking System offers solutions for lowest energy consumption. Among the products of LAKTO are, LAKTO-CIP clean-in-place controlling unit for any existing parlour and milking stalls of herringbone (fast exit) and parralel.
Besides milking systems, LAKTO supplies manure management solution for dairy farms with manure scrapers, mixers, pumps and seperators; in barn equipment like cubicles, feed fences and high eficiency cooling fans for animal wellfare.